You need this FREE app to improve your concentration.

Jess Morrison
4 min readJan 30, 2023

When it comes to writing an essay, carrying out research, doing homework or just trying to work, there are distractive obstacles a lot of people struggle to overcome. Now, I’m sure you’d much rather scroll through TikTok than get started on that assignment (Do you want to curb that addiction by the way? Read this: How To quit your TikTok addiction). Anyone would rather do something they have more pleasure in doing as opposed to a gruelling task.

I understand you…

But this starts to become a problem when it affects your daily chores. When you don’t meet deadlines and start to become stressed due to a snowball of tasks that continues to grow. I’ve experienced this many times in the past, especially when it came to academic work. What I’m going to discuss is a fun app I used that completely transformed how I completed tasks and why you should download it too.

The biggest distraction.

Image from here.

It goes without saying that mobile phones and other devices are the biggest distraction when it comes to doing work.

The average person spends 3 hours and 45 minutes per day on their mobile…



Jess Morrison

Greetings! I am Jess… A reviewer, writer and fellow coffee-addict hermit.